This is Bear Access for DOS, from my ancient past at Cornell University. These disks were given to me at the start of Fall Semster 1992, and contain a suite of DOS applications to access the then very experimental campus Ethernet. Tools include Telnet, Gopher, FTP, NNTP news reader, and a POP mail client. Notably absent: any kind of web browser, because that wasn't really a thing yet. Note: You'll need your own DOS Ethernet packet drivers, they weren't included on these disks.
These are 360K double-sided, double density 5.25" disk images. Have fun trying to get them to work in an emulator! I don't think VMware supports 360K floppy images. Maybe QEMU does.
Or, if you're VERY adventurous, you can download these and write them to real floppies using a tool like rawrite or dd, and then use them on a real 1992 vintage PC. But that is left as an exercise for the reader.